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Braised Burdock Root (Kinpira Gobo)

Morgan Strickland


  • 2-3 long burdock roots

  • 1 carrot

  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil

  • 2 tablespoon coconut sugar

  • 1 tablespoon sake

  • 3 tablespoon coconut aminos

  • 2 teaspoon sesame seeds

Begin by peeling the burdock root lightly using a potato peeler or the blunt side of a knife. You do not want to cut deeply into the surface if possible.

Next slice the burdock into thin 2" long diagonals and toss them into a bowl of clean water once chopped to prevent oxidation. You can use a mandolin or a good vegetable knife for this.

Strain the water and cut the diagonally sliced burdock root into matchsticks and put them again into a clean bowl of water

Peel the carrot and slice it into matchsticks to match the burdock.

Heat sesame oil in the pan and add the burdock root, allowing it to soften a bit before adding the carrot.

Add the carrot and allow it to cook and soften a bit before adding in the sake, coconut aminos, and coconut sugar. Feel free to add more or less of anything to taste as everything cooks to a nice tenderness.

Finish with sesame seeds, allowing them to warn up a little in the pan before removing them from heat.

This recipe is not an original concept, but it is the recipe that I serve at my picnics. It is a traditional Japanese recipe with some slight modifications to accommodate a soy free diet since I'm doing the autoimmune paleo diet, but if you would like to follow the traditional recipe you can access it here.



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